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Werköföreläsare 2024

Årets Werköföreläsare är Prof. Barbara Casadei från Oxford, UK.
Titel på föreläsningen: "Atrial fibrillation: what does the future hold?"

Werköföreläsnings hålls i samband med Svenska Kardiovaskulära Vårmötets invigning.
Onsdag 17 april klockan 17.05.

Werköföreläsningen är Vårmötets högtidsföreläsning.
Läs mer här om Lars Werkö och tidigare föreläsare.

Barbara Casadei is a British Heart Foundation (BHF) Professor of Cardiovascular Medicine at the University of Oxford and Honorary Consultant Cardiologist at the Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust where she leads the Cardiovascular Theme of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Biomedical Research Centre and is Steering Committee Member of the BHF Centre for Research Excellence.  She graduated in Medicine (cum Laude & Medaglia Teresiana) at the University of Pavia, Italy and moved to Oxford in 1989 to undertake her clinical and research training. She was awarded the Joan and Richard Doll Fellowship at Green College in 1991, a DPhil in Cardiovascular Medicine in 1995, and a BHF Senior Research Fellowship in 2001.  
Professor Casadei is Fellow of the UK Academy of Medical Sciences, holds the highest honour of the British Cardiovascular Society (The Mackenzie Medal) and of the European Society of Cardiology (Gold Medal), and is Past President of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC, 2018-20). She co-founded EuroHeart (with Professors Lars Wallentin, Aldo Maggioni and Chris Gale) an initiative that supports the assessment and improvement of quality of cardiovascular care in Europe, the Cardiovascular Patient Forum, and the Women in the ESC (WinESC).
Professor Casadei is chair of the Fondation Leducq Scientific Committee and Editorial Board member of Cardiovascular Research; Circulation; European Heart Journal; and Circulation Research. She has delivered numerous named lectures including, The William Harvey Lecture on Basic Science and Silver Medal of the ESC, 2013; The Thomas Lewis Lecture and Silver Medal of the British Cardiovascular Society, 2014; The William H Gaasch Lecture, University of Massachusetts, 2017; The Michael Sole Lecture, University of Toronto, 2019; The 4th Annual Gootter Foundation Lecture, Stanford University, US; The Robert Reneman Lecture, University of Maastricht, NL, and the Roman W. DeSanctis Lecture, Harvard Medical School, US in 2021; the ISHR Keith Reimer Distinguished Lecture in 2022; and the Gustav Nylin Lecture of the Swedish Cardiac Society in 2023.
She provides a clinical service at the John Radcliffe Hospital and leads a bench-to-bedside translational research programme, which spans from bench-based investigation in human tissue and cells to clinical trials.