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Accepted abstracts for NAS 2024

Below you’ll find all the accepted abstracts for the conference. These will all be presented either as an oral presentation or as a poster. If there is no link for the abstract, the author does not approve of publishing.


Benefits for speech recognition and sound localization in children with bimodal hearing
Filip Asp, Maria Drott, Anna Persson

Early hearing opens more doors: the effects of early cochlear implantation on metaphor comprehension in Swedish adolescents and young adults
Malin Dahlby Skoog, Tamara Kalandadze, Eva Karltorp, Björn Lyxell, Ulrika Löfkvist

The Swedish Quality Register for Hearing Loss in Children, SQRChildHear, -presentation and current results.
Elisabeth Dahlström

The development of young children with hearing loss: the importance of parent-child interaction
Evelien Dirks

High Diagnostic Yield with Massive Parallel Sequencing in Swedish Patients with Prelingual, Moderate to Profound Sensorineural Hearing Loss
Johanna Elander, Karin Stenfeldt, Tove Ullmark, Karolina Löwgren, Johannes Ehinger, Maria Värendh.

Associations between recreational noise exposure and hearing function in adolescents and young adults: a systematic review
Iris Elmazoska, Stephen Widén, Elina Mäki-Torkko, Sarah Granberg.

Estimated prevalence of permanent hearing loss among newborns and 6-year-olds: An evaluation of the three auditory screenings in Uppsala
Elsa Erixon

Linguistic ability and executive functioning in adults with congenital cytomegalovirus infection: a long-term follow-up study
Karolina Falkenius Schmidt, Anastasia Nyström, Eva Karltorp, Måns Magnusson, Ulrika Löfkvist.

Cortical auditory evoked potentials (P1 latency) in children with cochlear implants in relation to clinical language tests
Karin Frånlund, Elina Mäki-Torkko, Leif Hergils, Hans Lindehammar.

Investigation of Visual Reinforcement Audiometry, children 6-10 months
Lovisa Hill, Carolina Anderberg, Elisabet Thorén, Britt Ericsson.

Criterion validity of the Finnish version of LittlEARS Early Speech Production Questionnaire (LEESPQ)
Kerttu Huttunen, Ainolotta Häggman.

Understanding congenital unilateral sensorineural hearing loss: A PhD project
Marlin Johansson, Erik Berninger, Filip Asp, Eva Karltorp, Kaijsa Edholm, Maria Drott.

Congenital CMV infection in children who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and who use CI
Eva Karltorp, Ulrika Löfkvist.

Family centered interventions for children with deafblindness –what do we know?”
Caroline Lindström, Moa Wahlqvist.

Self-reported self-efficacy in individuals who received cochlear implants before the age of 2.5 years in comparison to controls with normal hearing
Ulrika Löfkvist, Anna Persson.

Preschool hearing screening is needed to detect all children with hearing loss
Allison Mackey, Anna Persson, Inger Uhlén.

Are Swedish residents aware about congenital cytomegalovirus and how it can be prevented?
Allison Mackey, Sanna Larsson, Ulrika Löfkvist.

Everyday life experiences and academic outcomes of individuals who received cochlear implants before the age of 2.5 years
Anna Persson, Ulrika Löfkvist.

Time to chat? The power of professional discussion!
Trudy Smith

Digital education and its effects on psychological functioning in adolescents with hearing loss
Sara Szepanski, Kerttu Huttunen, Nina Jakhelln Laugen, Pernilla Larsman, Marek Meristo.


Clinical evaluation of cros and bicros use in a group of adolescents
Lise-lotte Eliasson

Psychoacoustic assessment of auditory function in children with autism spectrum disorders
Hanna Göthberg

Quantifying the benefits of hearing aid fitting: counterbalanced, crossover, repeated-measures, single-blinded, clinical trial of REM versus initial-fit method
Laura Ihalainen, Aarno Dietz, Tytti Willberg, Pia Linder, Matti Iso-Mustajärvi, Tuomas Heikka.

Phonological development in Swedish children with otitis proneness – age 3;6 to 4;6 years
Helena Stålnacke

Promoting health and social interaction for school children with hyperacusis
Kristin Grindborg, Örjan Johansson.

The Swedish hearing in noise test for children, HINT-C
Mathias Hällgren, Heléne Hjertman, Elina Mäki-Torkko, Stefan Stenfelt.

Challenges in implementing risk-baby protocol within newborn hearing screening
Sumru Keceli, Radoslava Jönsson.

Pediatric Hearing health care in Sweden – equalities and inequalities
Åsa Kjellgren, Elsa Erixon, Susanne Martell, Elisabet Thorén.

Expectations and findings from exome panel genetic testing in children with hearing loss - three case studies
Radi Jönsson, Ylva Dahlin-Redfors.

Bhargavi P.G, Dr Hari Prakash P.

Enhancing Services for Individuals with Deafblindness: Insights from the Danish Specialist Consultancy for the Deafblind
Rasmus Hougaard Pedersen

Effect of LENA (Language ENvironment Analysis) for children with hearing loss in Denmark including a pilot validation for the Danish Language
Jane Lignel Josvassen, Victoria Amalie Hedegaard, Mie Lærkegaard Jørgensen, Lone Percy-Smith.