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All flights operating as normal. Volcanic activity in the southwest region on Iceland has NO impact on the NICC meeting!


Dear NICC participants,

You may have seen on the news that another volcanic eruption has started on the Reykjanes peninsula close to the Blue lagoon. The most recent eruptions have been short, only lasting less than a day. Maybe you might be able to see the eruption from your flight or on your way to Reykjavik. Enjoy nature´s spectacular show. At the moment we can also see it widely from Reykjavik at a very safe distance.

Key takeaways:

– Flights are operating normally and unlikely to be affected.
– Iceland is highly prepared for volcanic events- and we are all getting used to this.
- The NICC meeting will preceed as normal- but with a twist

The local organizing committee.

Welcome to the 10th Nordic Invasive Cardiology Conference 2024!

It is a true pleasure to invite you to attend the 10th Nordic Invasive Cardiology Conference, which for the first time is hosted in Reykjavík, Iceland. The conference will take place 18-19th of March 2024 at Harpa Conference Centre, located centrally in Reykjavík.

The scientific program will include a broad range of novel, practical and challenging topics in Interventional Cardiology.

On behalf of the Organizing Committee we warmly welcome you to exciting and engaging days in Reykjavik, Iceland, the country of fire and ice.

The local organizing committee