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Abstract information

The deadline for abstract submission is April 15th.
Notifications regarding abstracts will be sent out May 28th.

- The abstract should be written in English and must not exceed 250 words.
- Keep the title short but clear about the subject; do not use abbreviations in the title.

Divide the abstract as follows
• Background: The purpose of the study.
• Materials and Methods
• Results: A summary of the results presented in sufficient detail to support the “Conclusion.” The results presented must be complete (but concise) and final.
• Conclusion: Phrases such as “the results will be discussed” will not be accepted.

- Use only standard abbreviations. If other abbreviations are used, they should be written in parentheses after the word the first time it is used. The first time a product name is mentioned, it should be accompanied by its generic name, e.g., Losec® (omeprazole).

- The abstract should be submitted electronically via the conference website. Once the form is completed and submitted, you will receive an abstract number. A confirmation will be automatically sent to the email address provided. With the confirmation, you will receive a link to use if you wish to make additions or changes to the text. Changes can be made until the abstract deadline (April 15th).

- Any tables and figures should be attached at the end of the form (one (1) file per abstract).

- The abstracts will be sorted and evaluated by the scientific committee, which will decide whether it will be an oral or poster presentation. Abstracts approved for publication by the authors will be displayed on the website and in the abstract book.

- It is permitted to submit more than one abstract.

If you have any questions or technical problems concerning your abstract submission, please do not hesitate to contact Linda at MKON,