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Congress Profile

NECTM was founded by twelve travel health organizations and societies in eight countries to meet common educational needs in an expanding multidisciplinary field of Travel Medicine. The first biennial conference was successfully organized in Edinburgh in 2006 followed by Helsinki, Hamburg, Dublin, Bergen, London and Stockholm. Between 500 to 1000 travel medicine specialists and practioners across Europe and internationally meet every other year with a smile on our faces to update on science, to discuss, interact, learn and enjoy. Every NECTM is unique and reflects current scientific challenges as well as specific travel medicine issues.

We aim for a conference experience of the highest quality, with world class speakers, learning and networking opportunities, venue and organisation and social programme. We hope you will join us for a great event.


NECTM9 Local Organizing Committee and Scientific Committee 

Chair: Carsten Schade Larsen

Members: Steen Villumsen, Camilla Holten Møller, Peter Krebs, Sanne Jespersen,
Søs Holten

NECTM Steering Group

Chair: Martin Grobusch, The Netherlands National Coordination Center for Travelers Health Advice (LCR)

Co-Chair: Helena Hervius Askling, Swedish Society for Travel Medicine (SSTM)

Anu Kantele, Global Health Finland
Erra Elina, Global Health Finland
George Kassianos, British Global and Travel Health Association (BGTHA)
Dipti Patel, National Travel Health Network and Centre, UK (NaTHNaC)
Sophie Schneitler, German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)
Pal Voltersvik, Norwegian Forum for Travel Medicine and the Prevention of Infectious Diseases (NFTM)
Jelle Doosje, Dutch Coordination Centre for Travellers' Health Advice (LCR)
Charlotta Zacharias, Swedish Society for Travel Medicine (SSTM)
Carsten Schade Larsen, Danish Society of Travel Medicine (DSTM)
Sandra Grieve, Royal College of Nursing, UK, (RCN)
Carsten Koelher, German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)
Joseph Sim, Travel Medicine Society of Ireland (TMSI)
Gerard Flaherty, ISTM liaison
Sam Allen, Faculty of Travel Medicine, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (FTM RCPSC)
Patrick Soentjens, Belgian Studygroup for Travel Medicine (BSTM) as part of The Belgian Society of Infectiology and Clinical Microbiology (BVIKM/SBIMC)
Tomas Jelinek, German Society for Travel Medicine (GSTM)

NECTM Scientific Committee

Chair: Anders Koch, Danish Society of Travel Medicine (DSTM)

Co-Chair: Helena Hervius Askling, Swedish Society for Travel Medicine (SSTM)

Co-Chair: Martin Grobusch, The Netherlands National Coordination Centre for Travellers Health Advice (LCR)

Sandra Grieve, Royal College of Nursing, UK, (RCN)
Gunnar Hasle, Norwegian Forum for Travel Medicine and the Prevention of Infectious Diseases (NFTM)
Anu Kantele, Finnish Society for International Health (FSIH)
George Kassianos, British Global and Travel Health Association (BGTHA)
Carsten Koelher, German Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health (DTG)
Dipti Patel, National Travel Health Network & Centre, UK, (NaTHNaC)
Hilary Simons, National Travel Health Network & Centre, UK, (NaTHNaC)
Pal Voltersvik, Norwegian Forum for Travel Medicine and the Prevention of Infectious Diseases (NFTM)
Burkhard Rieke, German Society for Travel Medicine (GSTM)
Gerard Flaherty, Travel Medicine Society of Ireland
Patrick Soentjens, Belgian Studygroup for Travel Medicine (BSTM)
Tomas Jelinek, German Society for Travel Medicine (GSTM)
Sophie Schneitler, German Society for Tropical Medicine, Travel Medicine and Global Health (DTG)
Vanessa Field, National Travel Health Network & Centre, UK, (NaTHNaC)