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We are pleased and grateful that so many of our colleagues has accepted to speak and/or chair during the 9th Northern European Conference on Travel Medicine, NECTM9, in Copenhagen, Denmark, May 22-24, 2024.
1. You do not need to bring your own computer, only a USB memory stick. We recommend that you verify that the transfer to your memory stick was made correct.
2. Your first slide should show your name and the title of your presentation.
3. On your second slide you may declare any potential or actual conflicts of interest. Please read about this below.
4. Please hand in your presentation to the technicians in each lecture hall no later than two hours before your session. Wide screen (16:9) format is preferred. Our technicians are always available to assist you. Your presentation will be transmitted to the computer in the lecture hall at the right time for your talk.
5. Ten minutes before your session starts, please make sure to meet up with the session chair and introduce yourself.
6. Please make sure to respect the scheduled times and include at least 5 minutes of your time slot for questions. (For abstract presenters, time for questions is 2-3 minutes).
7. To add a live voting to your presentation, and to allow the auditors to send you questions, we recommend that you use NECTM9 app. Read more about how this works here.
As prerequisite for the CME certification all lecturers should declare possible links and financial support relevant to the presentation including collaboration / financial support from the pharmaceutical industry / medical equipment manufacturer. Declarations must also include whether any fee, honorarium or arrangement for re-imbursement of expenses in relation to the Congress has been provided.
All speakers are requested to fill in the form provided (Click here to download the file) and send to Malin Nilsson at MKON, This must be sent before the conference starts.
The declarations will be made available on the website of the conference.
As Chair, you are responsible for the time being held by the speakers. Specify the time for each speaker. If the speaker seems to exceed the allocated time, you may announce that it is 1 minute left and ask the speaker to summarize the presentation. Alternatively, simply stand up and make sure the speaker is aware of your action.
Start the session exactly on time.
The speakers are instructed to include a minimum of 5 minutes (2-3 minutes for abstracts presentations) of their time slot for questions.
When there are two Chairs for the same session, plan in advance how and by whom the speakers are introduced.
Prepare one question for each speaker. Questions from the audience have priority during the discussion following the presentations.
The session should always end on the scheduled time.
Some speakers will add a live voting to their presentation and will allow the auditors to send in questions via NECTM9 app. The questions enter the IPAD that you log in to (the technician can help you with problems) where you can easily read and sift through them if you need to select questions.
In the app, we also have a mentometer function. Voting takes place via the participant's own smart phone. Read more about how this works here.
As chair, you are also responsible for handing a present to the speaker. The present will be placed nearby the stage or your seat.
Don’t forget to download the app.
1. Search for ”NECTM9” on Google Play or the App Store and download.
2. Enter an email address where you can receive a onetime code.
3. Code sent to this email address, sender Ventla.
4. Enter the code in the app and click next.
5. "Select event” will appear. Press ”NECTM9” and then ”Join”.
In the app you will find, among other things, updated program and other information.
Don’t forget to allow push notifications!
If you want to add a live voting to your presentation, or allow the audience to send you questions we recommend that you use NECTM9 app for this. Read more here how the app and mentometer work.