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Abstract deadline extended: please submit your abstracts by midnight on the 30th April

Dear Participants,

We are delighted to welcome you to the 2024 Workshop of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Commission on High Pressure organized and hosted by the European Spallation Source and MAX IV Laboratory.
This workshop will take place in person in Lund and also be streamed for remote participation.

High-pressure research has made remarkable progress in various scientific fields over the past decades. This advancement can be attributed to significant improvements in high-pressure apparatus and the development of advanced static and dynamic probes. Conducting X-ray and neutron scattering experiments under extreme conditions poses significant challenges, requiring dedicated techniques to collect spectroscopic and crystallographic data with unprecedented speed and resolution.

The workshop aims to bring together researchers who utilize extreme-conditions crystallography in conjunction with other experimental and computational methods. By studying a wide range of material properties across various scientific disciplines such as condensed-matter physics, solid-state chemistry, geophysics, materials science, biology, and nanotechnology. We hope to foster extensive discussions and interdisciplinary collaborations by bringing together researchers using high-pressure in home laboratories, at neutron sources, with free electron lasers and at synchrotron radiation facilities.

We particularly encourage students, postdocs, and early career scientists to participate. It is a great opportunity for young researchers to get familiar with state-of-the-art methods and interact with the X-ray and neutron scattering high-pressure community. As a part of the workshop, we will organize a half-day tutorial with hands-on examples X-ray and neutron large-scale facilities. It will help you to devise your own research program based on X-ray and neutron scattering experiments, as well as to write competitive proposals.

We look forward to your active participation and fruitful interactions during the workshop.

Best regards,
Damian Paliwoda (chair) and the Local Organizing Committee
(Carina Lobley, Florence Porcher, Innokenty Kantor, Mikhail Feygenson)

Members of the IUCr Commission on High pressure

Equity and Inclusivity Statement
The organizers of this workshop are committed to gender equality and inclusivity. The Local Organizing Committee and the International Program Committee will adhere to the Gender Balance requirements of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr). For this meeting procedures will be adopted to promote gender balance in the local organizing committee and the international program committee. The speakers will be selected for excellence with a view to promoting diversity and gender balance throughout the program. Scientists of every nationality are welcome at this conference.