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Advances in High-Pressure Science Using Synchrotron X-rays
Latest developments in using synchrotron X-rays to study materials under high pressure. It can cover techniques, instrumentation, and applications in various fields such as physics, chemistry, and materials science.

Neutron Scattering in High-Pressure Research
The use of neutron sources, principles of scattering theory, and applications in high-pressure research.

Crystallography at High Pressure
The use of synchrotron, laboratory X-ray, and neutron sources for high-pressure crystallography.

Materials Behavior and Phase Transitions under High Pressure 
Fundamental understanding of mechanical, electrical, and magnetic properties of materials and their applications in materials science and engineering.

High-Pressure Studies of Earth and Planetary Materials 
Studies on minerals, rocks, and other materials relevant to geophysics and planetary science.

High-Pressure Techniques and Instrumentation
Development of new experimental techniques and instrumentation for high-pressure research, including sample environments, pressure generation, and measurement techniques.

Computational Methods in High-Pressure Research
Latest advances in computational methods and their integration with experimental techniques for high-pressure research.

Spectroscopy (Raman, IR and Brillouin) at high pressures

Dynamic compression