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Hiroshi Amano
Nagoya University
Low-cost Epitaxial Growth and Device Processing Technologies for Early Social Implementations of GaN-based Devices
Robert Bondokov
Crystal IS
The development and characterization of 100 mm AlN semiconductor substrates
Rafael Dalmau
HexaTech Inc.
Control of Surface Morphology and Polarity of N-Polar AlN Films Grown on AlN Bulk Substrates
James Edgar
Kansas State University
Bulk Crystal Growth of Hexagonal Boron Nitride from Molten Metal Solutions
Shota Kaneki
Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd.
Production-ready, high-quality GaN on GaN epitaxy by QF-HVPE up to 6”
Guangxu Ju
Peking University
In-Situ Synchrotron X-ray Studies of (In)GaN Growth Dynamics during MOVPE.
Pawel Kempisty
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS
Ab initio thermodynamics of III-nitride semiconductor surfaces: Improving the accuracy of predictions under growth conditions
Jong Kyu Kim
Pohang University of Science and Technology (POSTECH)
Growth of hexagonal boron nitrides on non-catalytic substrates by MOCVD and their applications
Mitsuru Funato
Kyoto University
Growth integration of InGaN-based full visible LEDs
Yoshinao Kumagai
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
High-speed HVPE growth of AlN homoepitaxial layers for AlN wafer fabrication
Hideto Miyake
Mie University
Deep-UV LEDs Fabricated on Face-to-Face Annealed Sputter-Deposited AlN Templates
Takafumi Odani
Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation
Impact of Dopants on the Mechanical Properties and Wafering - Behavior of GaN substrates
Anthony J Bennett
Cardiff University
Non-classical photon emission from point-like emitters in Aluminum Nitride
Guillaume Cassabois
Montpellier University
The carbon dimer in boron nitride
Aurelien David
Disorder and the luminescence of InGaN emitters
Eva Monroy
GaN nanowires: research and application
Rachel Oliver
University of Cambridge
The role of dislocations in etching porous GaN
Michael Schnedler
Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Fermi level pinning at nitride semiconductor surfaces and interfaces
Henryk Turski
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS
Using both faces of bulk GaN substrates for functional devices
Akira Uedono
University of Tsukuba
Annealing behaviors of vacancies and their impact on dopant activation in ion-implanted GaN studied by positron annihilation
Chris Van de Walle
University of California, Santa Barbara
First-principles description of ferroelectric nitrides
H. Grace Xing
Cornell University
Fluke or Myth: A Hole Mobility of 1500 cm2/Vs in GaN (though at 4 K)
Andriy Zakutayev
National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Nitride materials with unconventional structures and semiconducting properties
Ewelina Zdanowicz
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology
Electromodulation spectroscopy of built-in electric fields in hybrid III-N heterostructures
Nicolas Grandjean
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Origin of non-radiative point defects in InGaN/GaN quantum wells
Motoaki Iwaya
Meijo University
Low-Threshold Current (~25 mA) AlGaN-Based UV-B Laser Diodes Utilizing Refractive Index Waveguide Structures on Lattice-Relaxed AlGaN
Anna Kafar
Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS
Nitride edge emitters on 3D shaped GaN - adjustable properties and smart integration options
Ryuji Katayama
Osaka University
Far-UV Second Harmonic Generation from AlGaN-based Waveguide
Youichi Kawakami
Kyoto University
Radiative and non-radiative recombination mechanisms in red-emitting InGaN quantum wells
Susumu Noda
Kyoto University
Recent progress in photonic-crystal surface-emitting lasers (PCSELs)
Siddharth Rajan
The Ohio State University
Interband AlGaN Tunnel Junctions for Ultraviolet Emitters
Jim Speck
UC Santa Barbara
Quantitative analysis of leakage current in III-nitride micro-light-emitting diodes
Tim Wernicke
TU Berlin
Growth and analysis of UVC LEDs
Elaheh Ahmadi
University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Development of N-polar GaN HEMTs fabricated on MBE-grown epi-structures on low dislocation GaN substrate
Srabanti Chowdhury
Stanford University
GaN diamond integration
William Alan Doolittle
Georgia Institute of Technology
AlN electronics for RF and power applications
Simon Fichtner
Kiel University
Ferroelectricity for a New Perspective on III-N Semiconductors
James Hwang
Cornell University
Heterogeneous Integrated Sub-THz Transceiver Front End
Martin Kuball
University of Bristol
Thermal management efforts for GaN electronic devices
Gabriel Petrus Lansbergen
Infineon Technologies Austria AG
Elevating Reliability Standards: Advanced Methodologies for HV GaN Power Devices and Systems
Farid Medjdoub
Advancing RF GaN HEMT Technology: Innovations in Buffer Engineering for Enhanced Performance and Robustness
Geok Ing Ng
Nanyang Technological University
RF GaN-on-Si for Future 5G/6G Communications
Jun Suda
Nagoya University
GaN-on-GaN Devices for Next Generation Electronics
Enrico Zanoni
University of Padova
Reliability & instabilities of GaN RF & Power devices